Avilion Coatings
High-Performance Coatings and Linings
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interior storage tank linings
We are tank experts in thin-film, thick-film, low-temperature linings with the fastest return to service for anti-corrosion protection in all chemical environments
Exterior protective Coatings
We carry the broadest line of industrial maintenance coatings for steel and concrete for oil and gas, chemical, industrial equipment, manufacturing, bridge, and structural steel.
geodesic dome waterproofing
Flashband® self-adhesive sealing strip outperforms caulking and other waterproofing tapes. The bitumen-backed, hydrophobic strip actually increases adhesion with time.
Key-Point Inspection Services
Our technical service is key to our customer service. As part of our complimentary service, our NACE-certified technicians perform diligent project evaluations, product recommendations, specification-writing, plant surveys, and lining inspections—all while being professional and mission-focused collaborators among owners, engineers, and contractors.
The Best Systems for Specific Applications
With an intimate knowledge of the widest variety of the best industrial coatings available, we are uniquely positioned to provide impartial recommendations of the best coatings system for your specific needs. Our customer service and sales engineers support you throughout every phase of your project.
Let us help
Contact us to let our expertise and customer service guide you through your mission-critical and time-sensitive lining and coatings projects.